Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sydney Is: Vivid!

If you've been waiting for pictures than this is for you! This post may be will be heavy on the pictures.  There is a festival going on in Sydney, its been going on for the entire month, making it hard to call it a festival.  But none the less, I present The Vivid Fest:

Sydney Opera House

Sydney from Circular Quay

Not part of the festival, just cool blue lighthouse light-posts that fit the theme :)

I really do live in Oz!  Can you say Emerald City (appropriate that I just finished reading Wicked and the sequel, Son of a Witch)

The coolest looking church I've ever seen...

St. Mary's Cathedral is an impressive cathedral as it is, the lighting makes it unreal.

Had lots of religious undertones.  It is a church after all.

One of my favorites!  Starry night-ish

Designing the Nation.  History of Australia.

Might be hard to tell, but the tan part is a picture of colonial-time-Australia.

Looks like Cinderella's Castle


  1. Is that all the same church just with different lights on it? And did you take them all at once - or how frequently does it change?

  2. It is the same church with a light show going. I spent about 30 minutes there to get all those pictures...its constantly changing like a kaleidoscope :)

  3. very cool pics! how were the wicked books?

  4. wow wow wow wow wwo wow ow ow owwow wowow wow wo wow wow


    I SOOOOOO wish I was there to see that. It is aMAZing. good pics

  5. @ Erica- Wicked books are good, definitely not feel good books though.
