Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Story Telling Jealousy and a Boy

I have a friend who I met in Sydney.  She's not Australian, but we were in the same program together.  She is currently away for what has to be a tremendously challenging and rewarding job in Africa.  While she's away, she has been keeping a blog for her family and friends (kinda like I did in Australia, but have since let it slip by the way side).  Today I was reading one of her posts about funny things guys say, and I got jealous.  Not jealous of the funny things guy say, but jealous of her story telling ability and gall to post it in a blog.  Kudos Heather!   (If you think I'm even remotely funny or entertaining, you should check out her blog)

So, as inspired by her I thought I'd maybe not start it up again, but at least post a blog since I have a bit of a funny story to tell.  At least I think its funny, and I know Erica will appreciate it ;)  Its about a boy.   I have purposefully not friended said boy or let him in on my blog.  I'm not sure why.  I jokingly say its because then I can talk about him.  Which is kinda true, except I haven't really talked about him, and we have mutual friends who would make so much fun of me.  If they see this, I will never live it down. 

Regardless, here goes.

Back in June, my brother in law had his company picnic.  Being the family nanny and also chomping at the bit to do anything social, I was of course in attendance.  While sipping a glass of champagne with a friend, I off offhandedly say, "who's the Cute Red Head playing frisbee?"  My friend, knowing my penchant for red heads and being ginger herself jumps at the opportunity (unbeknownst to me).  At dinner the Cute Red Head just happens to sit next to me and we chat a bit.  It was all a little awkward and he seemed really shy.  The whole group of us had a pleasant time and that was the end of it. 

Oh but it wasn't.

A little bit of back story to make scene 2 makes sense.  Most of you know that I am currently job hunting for a public health job and that my brother in law runs a health related online company here in Boston.  Because of this, he has been helping me network with his contacts.  I had a lunch about 2 weeks ago with an older gentleman named Mike who has worked in public health in Boston for something like 35 years.  He's a good person to have a professional lunch with.  After leaving the lunch, carrying Julia in her bucket with me, I happen to see the Cute Red Head eating in the lobby of the office.  I nod hello, and silently exit the building. 

The next day, I happen to be back in Chicago driving with Jessica when I get an email from Mo (who also works for my brother in law and is connected in public health) about jobs.  At the very end of the email she says "Oh, and Michael asked for your number.  Its on your resume, but I wanted to check with you before I gave it out."  I immediately got excited that Mike had some jobs contacts for me and it was the big break I've been working for.  I respond "of course!  I meant to send Mike my resume, please do pass my number along."  Then I went on my merry weekend having fun and trying to hide my anticipation for a job interview coming my way.

Come Monday, back in Boston.  While eating dinner with the Heywoods a call comes through with an unknown number.  An unfortunate side to job hunting is that every single unknown number that comes to my phone I automatically think is potential job.  The caller says his name is Michael from PLM (brother in laws company).  At first I thought he said Pier One (why?) and thought it was a telemarketer, which is just not cool on the cell phone.  He repeats, we get on same page.  Michael invites me to drinks with him and some other PLM people the upcoming Friday.  I automatically say yes, if someone who has contacts to get my a job want to grab drinks, I will.  End of story. 

But that's when I start to question why this gentleman who is at least my father's age would be inviting me to drinks.  Thinking that is almost inappropriate and not sure what to say.  My mind trying to make sense of this situation, I start wondering why this older, most likely married man would even be hanging out with the young nerdy programmer guys (who I had previously learned play rock band and grab drinks on Friday nights). 

Thats when it hits me.  I don't even know how I got to the conclusion because I was completely unaware of Cute Red Head's real name.  But I suddenly knew without a doubt that Cute Red Head was Michael, who got my number from Mo and was asking me out on a date.  A strangely group date, but still a date. 

I reluctantly and nervously went to the office that Friday totally expecting it to be horribly awkward and a huge mistake.  And at first it was.  I had to interrupt my brother in law in a meeting to let me in.  When I walk upstairs to the lobby there's 4 or 5 guys all sitting on the couch together watching Futurama on the projection screen.  Nerds.  This was not going to be good.  They said hi, but otherwise left me to play Words on my phone until the show ended. By then I'm considering going home already.  My brother in law's brother Jamie (am I related to him??)  comes out and we chat a bit.  I finally ask him where the beer is.  Feeling it would be too mean to leave, I decide to have one beer and if its still horrible, make up some excuse to go.  Jamie looks at the guys and berates them loudly saying "Do you know who she is?! She is the bosses sister, she watches his kids and has a Masters Degree.  Someone get the girl a beer!" 

Thanks Jamie.  We really needed more awkwardness there.  Regardless, I get a beer and thankfully, the show being over everyone gets up and they do actually talk to me.  We hang around long enough for me to finish my beer then a small group of us walk to a nearby restaurant.  Dinner and drinks go surprisingly well, conversation is good, everyone's really nice, and Cute Red Head is not as shy as I remember him being.  (I just don't know how to handle Shy).  Our group grows then dwindles.  4 of us left we decide to go catch a comedy show that a guy who had been there earlier was in.  The other couple drop out to go home on the way, leaving me panicking at the thought of being alone with Cute Red Head and I'm convinced the conversation is going to die with just two of us.  Much to my surprise the conversation continues to flow.  We go to comedy show, then grab some more drinks, then walk along the river back to my car.  A surprisingly positive ending to the most awkward meeting of two people. Ever.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love you! I wish I had crazy met cute situtations like that!
