It was bound to happen sooner or later. I was hoping for later, much later, like not at all. I was talking with Erica a few weeks ago (or maybe only a few days) about the "shiny ball syndrome" of Sydney wearing off. I realized a few days later that more adult speak of this would be (wait for it...) 'novelty.' But yes, the novelty of living in Sydney is waning. I've found that I'm angry throughout the day a lot lately. Which, in my case, is usually righted by sleeping it off, but lately, not even that is working. I wake up melancholy just hoping to make it through the day, but by the end of the day I'm just angry. My plan was to just keep myself busy and really put my head down and work on school and being healthy until the end of the semester, at which time I hope to travel the west coast of australia, and come back refreshed and ready to go. But Im not busy, and with the more time I have the more I tend to slack off. For example, usually I use Mondays to get all my regular uni work for the week done. Today I got my hair cut, hated it, which only made the crappy feelings worse, and proceeded to waste one of the last warm days away by watching two full dvd's of West Wing. And then being sorely upset when I came to realize that they were my last two West Wing dvd's and I have no more American guilty pleasures left. So I find myself angry again. I'm angry that I wasted the day, Im angry that I have to do all that uni work tomorrow, I'm angry that my hair looks like crap, I'm angry that I wouldn't even know where to go to fix it, I'm angry at fake friends, I'm angry.
I can hear particular voices sighing at me right now for being dramatic and whiny (or maybe silly is a better word). And even though this is all personal and "airing my dirty laundry" which I'm generally against, I figured some people would be interested to know that its not all roses and pretty sunsets (there are a fair bit of pretty sunsets, not nearly enough roses though). And since I know of only one person who actually reads these posts (seriously people, I have no idea if you like what I'm posting if you don't tell me so) I'm not so worried about everyone knowing that I'm a little bit angry lately.
But my guess is that this is normal. That people who move away, especially to the other side of the world go through this bit. I know that I have to muscle through it and I'll come out better and stronger on the other side. Knowing this doesn't make it easier.
Anyway. I'm done whining. I don't mean to solicit sympathy, buts of encouragement are welcome.
<3 Kassi
Oh Man! Am I late to the party (the pity party) or what? Sorry dude, just saw this post. Would have worked harder to Skypedy skype with you! Good thing you are on the road to recovery!