Sunday, March 28, 2010

Behind schedule

I've failed my new years resolution...I'm 3 weeks behind in the blog! The good news is that I haven't posted because I've had so much going on that writing about it seems daunting.

School has picked up, which is actually kinda nice. Though I find my classes either painfully boring or painfully hard. Actually Epi isn't painful, but it is difficult and requires some superior brain functions. Biostats on the hand is another language. I understand none of it. So that's fun. Just as I was getting a handle on being a student and getting used to my schedule, I realized that Easter Break is NEXT week, and after that I have 4 assignments due in one week. 4 weeks in and its midterms already! I booked a trip to Tasmania (Tazzy) for Easter break, so I have to complete at least 2 of those assignments this week, or I'm screwed. I think I can knock out one paper tomorrow at the lab, and the other one I can work on Tuesday and Wednesday before classes. Friday I start my intensive dive course (all day Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday) so I'm really crunched for time. Before you get on my case (Sherie) I finished 2 assignments and all my week for the work before even starting this blog, lol.

Socially, I have carved a bit of a life for myself, which feels soo much better than it did two weeks ago. My current life schedule consists of working out (yes!) in the morning, going to campus to do school work from about 11-2 or 4 depending on the day, then going to meet up with friends around the city. I'm actually channeling Donna because I've been carrying around my Timbuktu bag everywhere I go, I feel like a cool biker, even though I don't have a bike.

Speaking on bike, I think I'm not going to get a bike now. I've gotten used to waiting for the buses. Still annoys the crap out of me, but I've been able to accept and adjust for the bus times. And, whenever I say to a Sydneysider that I'm going to get a bike, they look at me like Im crazy. Biking is not very big here. Mostly cuz its crazy dangerous, and there are a shit-ton of giant hills.

Speaking of Sydneysiders, I've met a group of them that are very very very nice. I am excited to get to hang out with them in the future. The girls in the group asked me to go to a girls night out at the horse track with them, but I'll be in Tazzy that weekend. The one weekend I actually have plans and I get invited about irony. The kicker is that I booked that trip about 2 hours before I met them, lol. I'm still happy to be going to Tazzy, its going to be amazing. Friday starts my dive course. On Monday, I have to leave straight from my dive course to the airport where I jump on a plane to Hobart, Tasmania. The next morning the tour group will pick me up from the hostel and I'll start a 6 day tour of the whole island of Tasmania with about 15 strangers. It is going to be awesome. Then I fly back to Sydney the following Monday, and classes start up again on Tuesday. Whirlwind. Going to be GREAT.

Blogs in my head:
- Sydney makes you bold
- Australian wildlife

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