Sunday, October 18, 2009

New England in the Fall

New England in the fall is pretty awesome.  Fall in general is awesome in my book (when its not 30 degrees outside that is).  A few weeks ago we took the girls apple picking...

Sherie and I had to climb the hay mountain and coax Ellie and Samantha up.

 She really shouldn't be tall enough to ride this giant tricycle!

Sammie LOVED the bouncy house :)

 Is this not the cutest thing you've ever seen?!

Cheesy and great!

 People say we look alike, what do you think?

All the apples we picked made for the perfect opportunity for me to take my new domestic life up another notch.....

Look! Home-made pie crust!!

7 cups of apples

Ben cut the apples, but no worries, I did everything else.

 Ready for the oven!

I am a domestic goddess!!!

And it was yummmy :)

My favorite place on Earth

Or at least one of them.  And the first time I've seen it in the fall, which is truly when its in its glory.





 I learned that I can take black and white (and sepia tone) pictures with my camera!  Soo excited!!  And isn't Sammie J adorable?!

All thats missing from this picture is a latte and cell phone in my hands, haha!

This is a better "Best Auntie in the World" picture!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Real World?

I've been telling myself that when I get wireless I would be start blogging again.  Well Ben fixed my wireless.  Though before I get to my other ideas, I have to vent a little.  A lot of complicated issues seem to be popping up all at once.  I want to write about them, but as Sherie told me last night they are lame and boring.  Here is a short short synopsis:

  • My identity was stolen.  Someone got my credit card number and charge $300 to a Walmart in San Diego.  Coulda been worse.  Im actually really happy with Chase with the way they handled this.  The fraud department called me to alert me to a suspicious charge, then told me how to go about getting reimbursed for the money.  It all worked out pretty well.
  • Unrelated to my identity theft bank account, I opened a Bank of America account.  I opened it online,  but they didn't provide me with my information (account number, etc).  I go to the bank to inquire, I end up closing that account and opening a new regular checking account.  Except that they opened a small business account!  I don't know what small business I have, babysitting while waiting for grad school is hardly considered a business.  Ugh.  Sooooo annoyed by this.  Ben offered to go to the bank with me tomorrow to get a regular personal checking/savings account.
  • Finally got wireless on my computer, and now that Im back on my laptop I remember the issue I was having with the keyboard before.  Randomly and without warning the control key will activate and depending on what Im typing, some command will happen (usually if Im online a new tab will open whenever I push the T button.  I spent an hour online with Dell yesterday as they tried to remotely fix the problem. Last night it didn't seem that the problem was fixed, but today, it seems to be all better.  Fingers crossed.  Samantha did drop my computer on the floor today, maybe that helped?
  • The doctors office sucks at tranferring medical files.  Chicago told me to wait until I got to Boston and have them send CHicago the request for medical records.  Then I got to Boston and they said to have Chicago send the medical records.  But they refused to talk to each other.  Super annoying.
  • Trying to get Jessica on my car insurance without the rates sky rocketing has been an issue that is not easily resolved.  I finally got her on my account, and I added my education status to the account to and the rate actually decreased!  I dont know why they didnt have my education status, but apparently Ive been over paying the last three years.  Dammit.  But now I have to get them to take the monthly rate our of her bank account.  I sense another headache coming my way.
Ok, so that wasn't very short.  But I feel better. Another complicated issue that is coming up is that I have to enroll at Sydney now.  This is hugely exciting, but nerve racking.  I'm just hoping and praying that I did the financial aid stuff right and they dont give me a hard time about that.  We shall see.