and it feels amazing! I didn't realize how much that apartment was sucking the life out of me. As soon as I left for the last time the constant headache I've had all week lifted and I was seeing rainbows :)
If you can't seem to figure out how you missed so much, no worries, it all happened within a three day period. Here's a brief synopsis of what happened:
-I told roommate I wanted to stay until first week of January.
-She said that didn't work for her and I'd have to leave at least three weeks earlier.
-Leaving three weeks earlier didn't work for me because its right before Christmas and New Years Eve and there are no reasonably priced hotels or hostels available then (I checked).
-I figure my best option is to leave asap, and finding a cheaper apartment will help with my money situation.
-I give roommate 3 weeks notice, which is one week more than I needed to and exactly what she asked for when I was deciding what to do. Also, giving three weeks notice is a HUGE risk for me as apartments in Sydney go FAST and nothing stays available for three weeks and they won't hold it for you. So I had to give notice without having a place to go.
-Roommate freaks out. Says she's keeping the bond if she doesn't find someone else in that time.
-Roommate and I go at it over the bond. Her argument, I'm leaving earlier than originally planned when I came in February, so she has grounds to keep the bond. My argument is that original timeframe is null and void and never set in stone, and I'm giving 3 weeks notice so it shouldn't matter.
-She says that bond is dependent on whether she finds someone in three weeks. So I could potentially pay rent the next two weeks, then she would keep my bond anyway.
-I tell her to use my bond as my last two weeks rent as they are equal, to insure I get it back. She's not cool with that. I'm pretty sure she could kill me in my sleep without blinking an eye. I decide for my own safety and sanity (since there's no way in hell Im paying rent without assurance that I get the bond back) I best move out this week. Kicker is, even though I've paid through Friday, I have to leave today because I'm going away to Melbourne tomorrow morning.
Don't worry, things get better from here.
The same day as the original argument, I found and paid on a place at Bondi, Australia's most famous beach! So I get to live on the beach, in a cool house for the summer. It's an international house, all kids from all over staying for 1-6 months. Its kinda like a hostel, but homey-er and cheaper! There's even a garage (for my bike) and a backyard with a BBQ and a flippy cup table (you know I'm gonna like it now). And free laundry! So one hurdle covered.
Yesterday I packed up all my stuffed, found lovely friends who had space for me to store my bags while I'm away. I also sold my scuba fins (which was hella exciting)!! So at least I have a place for my stuff while I'm gone. But it gets better. The guy I'm renting from came today and took my furniture. I could have left it, I don't need it, and its not that great of stuff anyway, but I did not want roommate to profit from it for being such a horrible person. He came this afternoon to pick it up and gave me a ride to the city. In the van on the way, he asked how long I'd been living there, I said 8 months, he responded, "oh my god, I would have killed myself, what a depressing apartment." He had only been in there 2 minutes and I hadn't told him about the situation at all! I felt so validated. He also said that roommate seemed very hostile. Which is exactly the one word I would use to describe her. Through conversation I told him about the situation, and he said he'd have a place for me when I get back from Melbourne either in the same house or a different one a block away, which will be done being renevated in a week. AND that he'll comp me the extra weeks rent for the furniture and partly I think cuz he felt bad about how bad roommate is f'ing me over.
So now, I'm about to go to trivia with my friend Sandra, I'll crash at her place tonight, leave for Melbourne in the morning, where I'll meet up with my friend Tatiana! I get to spend 3 days in Melbs, then I meet up with Hannah (from WI), Macca, and Little Macca and the four of us take off on our Great Ocean Road Walk. 4 days of walking, camping, partying. Going.To.Be.Awesome. When I get back late next Friday, I'll stay at Wake Up, the same hostel I stayed at when I first arrived. Only because I get back so late on Friday and I have class at 9am the next day. On Sunday I can move to Bondi! And frantically write 4 massive papers before Ashley comes on the 23rd!!
I've been seriously lucky. I have some awesome friends. They really came through for me the last few days. And made me feel a lot better that I a) have a support network should I ever need it; and b) I did the right thing and am not in the wrong in this situation. As my friend Mika just said, "Only you. Only for you would everything work out perfectly without any planning." Maybe its luck, or karma. Honestly, I know its hokey but sometimes I think its Sara pulling some cosmic strings for me. Whatever the source, I am grateful and hope I didn't just jinx it!