Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Pictures!  PICTURES!!  Oh internet, how I love thee.  I have a infinite respect for people who moved out of country for any amount of time before the internet was invented.  Lord knows I couldn't do it.  (On a side note, I also have a new found respect for people who live in cities without cars.  I hate carrying groceries and crap on a bus that I had to wait 30 minutes for.  F that.)

Anyways, what you call came to see....pictures of my new home <3

My floor bed (as Ellie would call it).  I tried not to get red sheets again, but I just couldn't help myself.  You can also see my wall that is all window....love it!  And through the trees you can just barely see the Harbour Bridge and the Anzac Bridge :)

 I LOVE IKEA.  Yesterday I put together my mini desk and the filing cabinet on the bottom of the picture (the bed side table came with the room).

 This is where I'll be stationed for the next 9 months. Though I have yet to find a chair, lol.

 I also put together this closet from ikea.  The coat rack also came with the room, a very common piece of furniture in Sydney for some reason.  Don't mind me in the mirror leaning as far back as possible to get it all in.  You'll also notice that multi-colored Thing on the left side of the closet.  That would by me cape.  My Super K Cape.  That's right...I snuck it in my bags and brought it all the way to Australia with me.

Onto the living room.  It should be known that my roommate is a professional photographer, which is why her pictures are sooooo much better than mine!

 Speaking of Sarah-this is her.  She's framing some of her giant photos of rock stars for an exhibition coming up.  She's totally cool.

Living Room

Tiny any cozy kitchen.

Even the bathroom has a wall window.


And...my awesome view from the veranda!  It is gorgeous and I've already found myself standing out there wondering how the hell I got to this point, lol.

 This is the day view and night view from the veranda.  There's a horse racetrack near by as well and at night on the weekends we can hear and see the races :)

There you have it.  My new home <3


  1. the pics look fabulous!! thanks dear!

  2. Your place looks great! So modern and hip. Love the sheets you chose and that you bothered to put a flower on your mini desk. Clearly the Super K cape is now your gnome and will travel the world with you!
