That's it. The bane of my existence. Just a simple yellow couch. But this isn't just any couch. This couch (its hard to tell) is 6 feet long and about 3 feet deep and ooooh sooo comfortable. I love this couch. In my first week here I quickly learned that when home alone I must, at all costs, avoid the yellow couch. In fact I really need to avoid the downstairs completely. Seeing the yellow couch allows it to call to me, saying "Kassi, come lay down, it'll only be a few minutes. Finish that chapter you're reading, watch just one show on tv." Then BAM! 3 hours gone!! Its incredibly frustrating. The worst part is that its excruciating to force myself up after those 3 hours. I could easily spend 3 days on that couch and be completely happy.
I also learned this week that my stuff is incredibly important to me. I was never so excited as when UPS showed up with my seven boxes!! It helps that the guy had perfect timing. About 4pm with Ellie and Sammy and bored and tired, counting down the minutes until Sherie and Ben come home. Then wah-lah! He's there! Ellie and Samantha were also very excited for the UPS guys, which Ellie promptly changed to the PBS guy. It was cute :)
The problem with all my stuff coming....I have no where to put. I think I mentioned this above. Well here is the proof:

This is my room. And its a pretty good sized room, a heck of a lot bigger than my room in Chicago. And this is my room with all my stuff in it.
It may be hard to tell, but in this picture you can count 7 different bags/boxes, which still remain unpacked. Regardless, I'm a little surprised at how happy it made me to put the few decorative things I packed out, like my necklace doll and sparkly deer from Donna. Oh, and my awesome alarm clock (even though I can't figure out how to change the time--no matter, it still screams awesomeness).
Still to come: The books I think everyone should read.